Friday, March 9, 2012

More on Baby-Led Weaning.

Here are some more tips from "Baby-Led Weaning."


  • As far as possible, aim to eat the same food as your baby, with your baby.
  • Allow your baby plenty of time to explore the food and decide what she wants to do with it.
  • Talk to your baby about the food she is exploring.
  • Resist the temptation to help your baby eat more than she really needs.
  • Allow your baby to handle food as much as possible to help her develop her skills.
  • Share your baby's enjoyment as she makes discoveries but remember that there's no need to direct her learning by praising or scolding her. 

The Secrets of Successful BLW

  • Think of mealtimes as playtimes in the beginning.
  • Keep giving milk feedings on demand.
  • Don't expect your baby to eat much food at first.
  • Try to eat with your baby and include her in meals whenever possible.
  • Expect some mess!

Six things you SHOULD do

  1. Ensure that your baby is supported in an upright position while she is experimenting with food.
  2. Start by offering foods that are easy to pick up.
  3. Offer a variety of foods.
  4. Continue to offer your baby breast milk or formula as you did before.
  5. Discuss the introduction of solids with your pediatrician.
  6. Explain who BLW works to anyone caring for your baby.

Six things you SHOULDN'T do

  1. Don't offer your baby foods that aren't good for her.
  2. Don't offer your baby solid food when she is hungry for milk.
  3. Don't hurry your baby or distract her while she is handling food.
  4. Don't put food into your baby's mouth for her.
  5. Don't try to persuade your baby to eat more than she wants.
  6. NEVER leave your baby alone with food. 
Baby Led Weaning The first week of solids

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